from Sunday's Nikkei

2007年06月06日 09時32分26秒 | 新聞記事から
Because I failed to put my article related to Sunday's Nikkei for some reason: too busy and somewhat my laziness, I'd like to do it today.

78市町村が連結赤字 05年度 穴埋め策必要に 健全化法案基準で 本社試算

It is learned that in fisacl 2005, 78 of municipalities in the country,that is,cities,towns and villages,which account for a little bit more than 4 % of the whole municipalities,were in the red in their finance results,when public corporations or others are included in calculation.This calculation was done by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun on a basis of the new standards,which would be introduced from fiscal 2008 if the current Diet passes the local finance resuscitation bill now under discussion.Municipalities having the red-ink busineses will soon have to implement drastic measures to make up for their losses after the bill is passed.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年06月06日 08時35分22秒 | 新聞記事から
丸紅 UAEで発電・淡水化 事業費3600億円 インフラ整備 協力 政府、原油安調達へ支援
Marubeni Corporation will launch its business of generating electricity power and converting sea water to fresh water in United Arab Emirates,with the cost of 360 billion yen,the highest ever level as a Japabnese company.
In the Middle East countries where economic expansions are going on,there has been shortage of electricity and water,and then,infrastructure facility construction has been an urgent matter.In these circumstances, Marubeni is going to cooperate with UAE,the second largest exporter of oil to Japan, in this field, and intends to contribute to Japan's stable purchase of crude oil.The government also supports Marubeni through the public loans.
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