From today's nikkei

2007年06月14日 09時45分12秒 | 新聞記事から
不動産鑑定士の監視強化 価格算出の基準を統一 開示義務付け 透明性高め投資家保護
The Ministry of Land,Infrastructure and Transportation has decided to strehgthen its surveillance of real estate property valuation,which would be a key material for the so-called current price. Specifically,it will unify the standards for price caluculation,and oblige each evaluator to disclose information such as income estimate on which the valuation has been done.The aim is to protect real estate property investors by enhancing the transparency.
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from yesterday's Nikkei

2007年06月14日 09時17分44秒 | 新聞記事から
新形ディーゼル ホンダが低公害乗用車 国内09年度めど CO2 2割減 日産・スズキも追随へ
Honda Motor Co.,Ltd. has decided to start to sell the eco-friendly and fuel-efficient diesel-engine vehicle,which is able to reduce the carbon dioxide emission by 20 %,compared with the conventional gas-engine vehicle,as well as to significantly curb the toxic particles like nitrogen oxide,in domsetic market around 2009, for the first time as a domstic car maker.Nissan and Suzuki is sure to follow the suit.
参考:追随するはfollow suit です。
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