from today's Nikkei

2007年06月21日 10時10分03秒 | 新聞記事から
年金記録統合 企業が従業員分 申請 厚労省方針 迅速な処理狙う
The Ministry of Health,Labor and Welfare and The Social Insurance Service Agency decided on Tuesday(June 19th) to revise the system that companies can apply for the integration of the pension records of their employees on behalf of their employees.Under the current procedure, an employee himself should come to the agency's office and apply for it.But,the revised legislation makes it possible for an company person in charge of the employees pension affairs to make an application to the agency in terms of pension record integration on behalf of the employees.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年06月21日 09時41分18秒 | 新聞記事から
全年金記録を再調査 社保庁方針 2億7000万件照合 新規にデータベース構築
The Social Insurance Service Agency has decided to investigate all the records of its pension scheme again in order to prevent the public pension from failing to keep records properly. The number of cases which should be investigated would be about 270-million.In implementing this procedure, the agency likely will make a new data base.
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