from yesterday's Nikkei

2007年06月28日 09時56分48秒 | 新聞記事から
不動産価格情報を集約 データベース 国交省構築へ 個人向けに公表 賃料・維持費も
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport likely will establish the database of real estate property transaction information such as land prices, rental fees and management fees in around fiscal 2008.While currently,it operates several databases separetely,it will integrates them and makes them seen through the Internet by people.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年06月28日 09時16分52秒 | 新聞記事から
特許料 最大4割下げへ 来年 企業の負担軽減へ 特許庁方針 商標権更新料も
The Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry and The Patent Agency have dedided to reduce the patent fees patentees pay every year by 20 to 40 percent in 2008.In terms with trademark rights,which are protecting such things as companies' logo marks,registering fee of their renewal also will be reduced.The aim of these measures is that the government intends to strengthen the infrastructure of companies' technological innovation as well as alleviate companies' burdens by creating the environment where companies get patents or trademark rights and maintain them more easily.
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