from yesterday's Nikkei

2007年06月11日 17時24分08秒 | 新聞記事から
金融庁 課徴金引き上げ検討 虚偽開示など 制裁色強める 処分対象の拡大も視野
The Financial Services Agency has sarted to deliberate on raising surcharges for companies such as those conducting false information disclosures.The purpose of revising the system is to strengthen the level of sanctions against the violation of the rule,while the prtesent sanction is only aimed at confiscating the illegally earned profits.The agenvy also thinks that the expansion of the penalty areas should be considered.
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from Saturday's Nikkei

2007年06月11日 10時47分07秒 | 新聞記事から
サミット閉幕 温暖化ガス削減へ決意 議長総括 拉致解決求める ポスト京都枠組みつくり 中印参加促す
The Group of Eight major nations' summit talks at Heiligendamm, Germany, closed on the June 8 afternoon, with German Chancellor Angela Merkel,who presided the summit,annnounce the president's summary of the talks including the resolution to prevent the global warming.She said at the press conference that it is vital for major nations to halve their greenhouse gases by 2050, and also, she asked North Korea that it should soon solve the issues such as the abduction of foreign people issue.In forging the post-Kyoto framework, she urged China and India to participate in the movement.
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