


2015-02-21 23:44:18 | MARS on EARTH

MDRS Crew 149
Paul Bakken
Commander Report











Another rosy day on Mars today. We wrapped up a number of loose ends, performed some facilities support for the MDRS, and continued our preparations for the transition to Crew 150.

1 – Crew 149 is winding up our cross crew support of previous crew's projects and preparing to hand over responsibility to Crew 150.

2 – For the entire morning, crew member Miscodan and I worked in and around the GreenHab to tear out abandoned utility service wires and tubes, properly terminate them, and label each line. Our goal was to render the structure safe for Crew 150's scheduled demolition project. We wish them the best in the removal of the rest of the structure. It is sad to see the old GreenHab go, but its removal will make room for something new.

3 – Immediately after lunch, I went on EVA, accompanied by crew member Nicoletatos acting as videographer, to conduct the third and final phase of the EVA construction techniques experiment. This phase of the project turned out to be the quickest. The rebar posts and compression collar fittings were extremely fast and easy to set up and then tear down. Out of all of our construction experiments, this one performed the best. The entire assembly can be managed with gross motor function, which is beneficial when on EVA with thick gloves.

4 – Later in the afternoon, crew member Naganuma and I performed the final geological resources survey EVA. We used the ATV rovers, and resticted the search to those areas along the roads. The justification is that the resources along the roads are the most likely to be easily exploitable. We ranged approximately 1.5 km both North and South of the Hab. We were fortunate in that we found at least one solid deposit of each of the resources for which I was looking. These resources should prove to be very useful for future refit mission at the MDRS that require cobbles, pavers, pea gravel, paver sand, and fine sweeping sand.

5 – While crew member Naganuma and I were out on the geological EVA, crew member Nicoletatos began a series of chemical analyses of the regolith growth medium that we are using for our hops, sorghum, and potatoes. The analyses should be completed later tomorrow, but the noticeable trend so far is that the regolith is deficient in Nitrogen. Our study plants are off to a great start, but the regolith should be amended to add Nitrogen if one desires long-term growth and maturation.

6 – Crew 149 has decided to officially leave Sim tomorrow morning. We will spend most of Friday preparing for the arrival of Crew 150, but also hope to visit the State park to the North of the Hab.

We have pretty much wrapped up our own projects for this rotation at the MDRS. Our focus going forward will be to pass the torch to Crew 150 and ensure their success, too!

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