MDRS Crew 149
Paul Bakken
Commander Report
3.Crew149のプロジェクト用材料のすべてが、地球に帰還するために、今、解体され、梱包されています。 HABは、とても空っぽに見えます!
4.昼食後、夕食まで、私たちは、HAB外での自由な活動をして個人的な時間を楽しみました。私はHABの北の州立公園を見に小グループで行きました。GerardiさんとSchreuersさんは、彼らが取り組んできた映像の最後の仕上げをしました。SullivanさんとNicoletatosさんは、Sentinel Hillへの2時間の遠征を行いました。
5.私たちは、また、Bull Mountain Markeへ各Crewのために新たな納入食品を取りに行く機会がありました。そして、個々のCrewの箱にそれらを配布しました。うまくいけば、これは、CrewからCrewへの追跡をするため全体的な食品利用が容易になります。
6.今夜、私たちは、「Crew149」として一緒に集い、最後の夕食や打ち解けた時間を楽しむ時間をもてるでしょう。私は、a round of Settlers of Catanが良いという声を聞きました。そして、レンズ豆スープが出されました。それは、一度食べたことがありますが、今回もおいしかったです。私が40代半ばまでレンズ豆を食べたことがなかったということを皆さんは、信じられますか?火星で学んだ事のひとつ...
Crew 149 woke up this morning and exited Sim. After breakfast, the first thing that everyone did was find some excuse that made it necessary to wander outside for a bit. The fresh air and wind felt good.
1 – Crew 149 has finished our support of previous crew projects. Crew member Schreurs will transmit the GreenHab use data to Cdr. Poulet from Crew 148, and will pass the information on continuing the data collection to Crew 150.
2 – Crew member Nicoletatos moved selected plants from our regolith growth study to the new grow tent. The remainder of the plants were culled, measured, and the regolith growth medium recovered.
We will brief Crew 150 on the proper care of the plants and how to do the data collection for the study. We are excited that the next four crews have agreed to support our project!
3 – All of Crew 149's project materials have now been broken down and packed up for transit back to Earth. The Hab looks so empty!
4 – After lunch, and until supper, crew members enjoyed personal time to pursue activities outside the Hab. I led a small group to see the State Park to the North of the Hab. Crew members Gerardi and Schreuers put the final touches on a video they have been working on. Crew members Sullivan and Nicoletatos mounted a two-hour expedition to Sentinel Hill.
5 – We also had a chance to take the newly delivered food items for each crew to Bull Mountain Market and distributed them into the individual crew boxes. Hopefully, this will make overall food usage easier to track from crew to crew.
6 – Tonight, we will take some time to enjoy our last evening meal and social hour together as “Crew 149.” I hear that a round of Settlers of Catan is in order, and that we are having lentil soup, which we had once before and was delicious. Can you believe that I am in my mid-40's and had never tried lentils before? The things one learns on Mars...
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