

MDRS天気予報 2/15 (MST)

2015-02-16 00:00:14 | 気候・天気



As expected earlier, MDRS seems enjoying fair weather. NOAA Satellite IR image on Feb 15 at 1230z (Feb 15 at 0530MST) shows fair over almost of all Utah state.
Thanks to High pushing from NW, settled weather to be kept through at least Tuesday.
Temperatures Max 55F/13C and Min 26F/-1C, cold morning due to radiation cooling and upper cold air.
Winds likely to 10mph(4.5m/s) from NW. Thank you.

By Yoh Mizumoto


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Crew149_Report_2/13 タマのお休みをいただきました!

2015-02-15 01:20:32 | MARS on EARTH

MDRS Crew 149
Paul Bakken
Commander Report










7.私たちは、緊急/過渡的な食品で実験を続けました。私たちは、また、昆虫タンパク質のいくつかの品種を試食しました。コオロギのタンパク質エネルギーバーは、一般的によく受け入れられました。ゆでたゼブラタランチュラは、最も断固として受け入れられませんでした。誰が、なんで、火星にクモをもたらした? (私は、Ziggy Stardustを責める。)他の注目すべき食品のイベントは、私が二日前に作った編組パンをCrewがもっと作ってくれと私にせがむ容赦ない持続性です。今日、私が折れて、Nicoletatosさんによって作られたおいしいミネストローネスープにあわせてパンを作りました。



Crew 149 is getting used to life on Mars, but some adjustments come slowly. For example, during yesterday’s engineering EVA, I found myself needing to sneeze suddenly. My Earth reflexes kicked in and I reached to pinch my nose to stop the sneeze. That doesn’t work very well when one is wearing an EVA helmet. Instead, I managed to slap myself and then sneeze all over the inside of my helmet, anyway. Given the greatly reduced vision, I detached myself from the other two crew and just waited on the stairs near the main airlock for them to finish the engineering tasks. Lesson learned: Don’t sneeze inside your helmet on Mars.

Here is a brief recap of our day:

1 – We continue to support the two projects still in the Hab that were initiated by previous crews.

2 – We continue to work on improving comms. Troubleshooting with mission support engineering will continue this evening.

3 – Crew 149 received a journalist visitor today from the Martian branch office of ABC Nightline. She was quite keen to observe our crew on EVA and learn about everyday life in the Hab.

4 – Crew members Bakken, Gerardi, Naganuma, Schreurs, and Miscodan executed a successful EVA (EVA 149-5) to survey the areas to the SE of the Hab, within 1 km, for biological specimens. Due to equipment issues, crew members Schreurs and Miscodan were detached from the EVA about halfway through to return to the Hab. The three remaining crew scouted further to the SE, and documented a passable route to scale the large hill that is located to the SE of the Hab, in a direct line between the Hab and Hanksville. The crew also gathered more test data on the NDX kneepads during this EVA.

5 – Crew members Sullivan and Nicoletatos, in consultation with the mission support engineering team, finalized a plan to mount the exhaust fan for the new grow tent. This afternoon, they secured the fan to the metal wall stud and installed the ducting. The finished product looks great!

6 – A number of crew have experienced discomfort during AM EVAs due to the bright sun and unusually warm temperatures. Trying to be responsive to my crew’s needs, I created a prototype EVA helmet sun shade that ended up looking a lot like an over-sized baseball cap. Crew 149 has requested permission from mission support to test this prototype on a future EVAs

7 – We continued our experiments with emergency/transitional foodstuffs. We also sampled some varieties of insect proteins. The cricket protein energy bars were generally well received. The boiled zebra tarantulas were most emphatically not. Who brought spiders to Mars, anyway? (I blame Ziggy Stardust.) The other notable food event is the unrelenting persistence with which my crew has been pestering me for more of the braided bread that I made two days ago. Today, I relented, and made a loaf to go with the delicious Minestrone soup created by crew member Nicoletatos.

8 – Crew 149 is proving to be resilient, resourceful, and a bit rambunctious. I have noticed, however, some signs of fatigue. Accordingly, I am declaring tomorrow to be a “stand-down” day. Aside from the daily engineering EVA, we will not conduct EVAs or major projects. I have directed crew to spend the day catching up on small tasks and getting some R&R.

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Crew149_Report_2/12 平穏な火星生活の始まり!

2015-02-14 22:44:15 | MARS on EARTH

MDRS Crew 149
Paul Bakken
Commander Report



 Ann-Sofie Schreursさんは、Cyprien Verseuxさんのシアノバクテリアの土壌プロジェクトの世話。小さな大根が愛らしいです。
私たちは、Lucie PouletさんのGreenHab活動研究のためのデータを収集し続けています。

2.私たちは、通信を解決するために通信経路の数を調べました。私たちは、代替ルータを探しました。また、EVA149-3の際に代替通信チャネルとしてcell signalsの使用可能性を検討しました。


4.Bakkenさん、 NicoletatosさんとGerardiさんは、建設グレードの鉱物資源の堆積物を得るために、1km以内にあるHABのSEの地域を調査するEVA(EVA149-2)を成功裏に実行しました。チームはまた、航空カメラのテストを実施しました。


6.ホップの根茎のいくつかは、新しいつるを発芽しました!全体的に、ホップは、表土生育培養液に適応しているようです。実験用と対照群のどちらもとうもろこしは、まだ発芽していません。NicoletatosさんとGerardiさんは、研究用植物の名前の変更および再ラベル付けを完了しました。 (オリジナルのラベルが剥離し始めたので。)


8.今日は、食品評価調査を開始しました。Bakkenさんが朝食と昼食に彼のcustom formulated Generic Lipo-enhanced Organic Paste (GLOP)のいくつかの種類を食べました。他のCrewは、このユニークな食物を試食して、評価フォームに記入しました。Version #1は、例外なく「ひどい」と断言されました。もっとも親切な評価は、「「人は、おそらくこれだけを食べて生きることができますが、もしそうしなくてはならなかったら、それは生きている価値がないだろう。」という意見でした。Version #2は、高い評価を受けました。なぜか同時に”薄味"と”チョコレート味”の両方でした。Version #3は、Version #2に少量のミントエキストを追加して、最も高い評価を受けました。Version #4は、Version #2にオレンジエキスを加えたもので、残念ながら横ばいでした。詳しい調査は継続しますが、それはチョコレートのようなものでとミントがおあつらえ向きかもしれません。



Life on Mars is starting to feel normal. Crew woke up early today and immediately set about our daily tasks.

1 – Crew 149 continues to support the projects of other crews. Ann-Sofie Schreurs cared for Cyprien Verseux’s cyanobacteria soil project. The little radishes are adorable. We continue to collect data for Lucie Poulet’s GreenHab activity study.

2 – We investigated a number of avenues to resolve comms. We searched the Hab unsuccessfully for a substitute router. We also investigated the possible use of cell signals as an alternate comm channel during EVA 149-3.

3 – The 3D printer was set up in the engineering lock and a test print of a wrench initiated. We have our eyes on a loose bolt on the loft ladder that may be the first target for the wrench.

4 – Crew members Bakken, Nicoletatos, and Gerardi executed a successful EVA (EVA 149-2) to survey the areas to the SE of the Hab, within 1 km, for deposits of construction grade mineral resources. The team also conducted a test of the aerial camera.

5 – The personnel of EVA 149-2 also tested the ballistic launch aerial camera. The results were mostly comical, but somewhat informative. The padding system works very well to protect the camera upon litho-breaking, but the stabilization system does not work at all. Immediately after launch, the camera tumbles so rapidly that the video footage is not useable. The camera teams will explore options for modifying the design to provide better in-flight stabilization.

6 – A number of the hops rhizomes have sprouted new bines! Overall, the hops seem to be adapting to the regolith growth medium well. No germination of sorghum in either the experimental or control group yet. Crew members Nicoletatos and Gerardi completed the renaming and re-labelling of the study plants. (The original labels started to peel off.)

7 – Crew members Schreurs and Naganuma prepared samples of lichens collected during EVA 149-1 for future analysis. They appear to have collected lichens every color of the rainbow. Crew has taken to referring to them as our Martian Chia Pets.

8 – We started the food evaluation study today. Cdr. Bakken ate a few variations of his custom formulated Generic Lipo-enhanced Organic Paste (GLOP) for breakfast and lunch. Other crew sampled of this unique fare and also filled out evaluation forms. Version #1 was universally pronounced “dreadful.” The kindest evaluation opined, “A person could probably live off of this, but it wouldn’t be worth living if they had to.” Version #2 received higher marks, being somehow both “bland” and chocolatey” at the same time. Version #3 added a bit of mint extract to Version #2, and received the highest ratings. Version #4 added orange extract the Version #2, and was disappointingly flat. Further investigation continues, but it look like chocolate and mint might be the ticket.

Once again, the crew is calling me to supper as I am writing my report, so I will close. The chicken and beef fried rice looks heavenly.

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Crew149_Report_2/11 ピンチをチャンスに!

2015-02-13 23:50:33 | MARS on EARTH

MDRS Crew 149
Paul Bakken
Commander Report


こんにちは!Mission Support!

Crew149は、Tharsis QuadrangleのここHABへの定住を続けています。私たちの非公式の第八番目のCrew(Murphey)による積極的な参加の結果、私たちは、地球から遠く離れたこの地で生活できる構造とシステムに上手に精通できるようになっています。 (トイレが故障しました。私たちは、それを修理しました。)私たちは、有用な多くのことを学んで、そしてうまく利用するための私たちの集団のスキルを傾注するための十分な機会を得ています。

1.限られた通信によって、Crew149は、他のグループのための支援活動に今日の私たちの努力のほとんどを集中することを選択した。選ばれたCrewは、Cyprien Verseuxのシアノバクテリア土壌プロジェクトを支援し続けました。私たちは、また、Lucie PouletのGreenHab活動研究のためのデータを収集しました。

2.私たちは、また、火星協会とMDRSための多くの支援活動を行いました。私たちは、以前に集めた後続の乗組員のための食品のすべてを分けしました。これらは現在、文書化され、Bull Mountain Marketで個々のCrewのための緑のビンに追加されるよう用意されています。残りのすべてのアイテムは、余分な緑色のビンに入れ、HABのネズミ類から守られた、道から離れた場所に移されました。私たちのクルーエンジニアは、EVA pack #4を修理しました。Judd Reedが提供する指示に基づいて。私たちは現在、7つの作動できるとフル充電のパックを持っています。CrewのNicoletatosは、エンジニアリング室とEVA準備室の清掃と補給を完璧に行うための主導権を取りました。私たちは、また、新しい植物生育テント用のファンを設置するための計画を最終決定するために測定と材料を配置しました。この設計提案は、建設の継続のための承認と委任のためNickとエンジニアリングチームに近いうちに提出されるでしょう。



5.Commanderとして、本日、私の最優先事項は、HABへの信頼性の高い通信を回復するために働くことでした。エンジニアリングチームとの協議で、障害のあるコンポーネントを特定しました。私たちは、すぐに交換用のコンポーネントを予想しました。通常の通信が回復されたとき、Crewは、大層ほっとしたことでしょう、そして、私たちは、より正常な作業計画を採択することができます。 (進展のない連続した6時間のこの問題の作業によって生じるフラストレーションが新鮮なバッチの手捏ね編組パンに注がれました。それは、あなたが食べることができるストレスボールのようなものです!)



Greetings Mission Support!

Crew 149 continues to settle in to the Hab here in the Tharsis Quadrangle. Due to the active participation by our unofficial eighth crew member, “Murphey,” we have become well acquainted with the structure and systems that make life possible here, so far away from Earth. (The toilet failed. We fixed it.) We are all learning a lot of useful things, and getting ample opportunity to put our collective skills to good use.

1. Due to limited comms, Crew 149 elected to focus most of our effort today on support activities for other groups. Select crew continued to support Cyprien Verseux’s cyanobacteria soil project. We also collected data for Lucie Poulet’s GreenHab activity study.

2. We also performed a number of support activities for the Mars Society and MDRS. We parceled out all of the food items for follow-on crews that we collected earlier. These are now documented and ready to be added to the green bins for individual crews at Bull Mountain Market. All surplus items were placed into an extra green bin, and moved to an out-of-the-way, rodent-secure section of the Hab. Our crew Engineer repaired EVA pack #4, as authorized and following the direction provided by Judd Reed. We now have seven functional, fully-charged packs. Crew member Nicoletatos took the initiative to thoroughly clean and restock the engineering bay and EVA prep room. We also took measurements and located materials to finalize a plan for mounting the fan for the new grow tent. This design proposal will be submitted at a future date to Nick and the engineering team for approval and authorization to proceed with the construction.

3 – Part of the day was spent by crew to prep and print data collection forms for the aerial photography project, the food evaluation study, and the ozone laundering experiment.

4 – Crew members Naganuma, Schreurs, and Miscodan conducted a successful EVA to collect prospective biological samples for further study. Details are contained in the separate Science Report.

5 – As Commander, my top priority today was working to restore reliable comms to the Hab. In consultation with the engineering team, we have identified the faulty component. We anticipate a replacement component soon. The crew will be much relieved when normal comms are restored and we can adopt a more normal work plan. (The frustration caused by working this issue for 6 hours straight with no progress was channeled into hand kneading a fresh batch of braided bread. It is like a stress ball that you can eat!)

The crew is calling me to supper, so I will wrap up this report. I hear rumors of sushi!

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MDRS天気予報 2/12 (MST)

2015-02-12 22:44:34 | 気候・天気




NOAA Satellite IR image on Feb 12 at 0830z (Feb 12 at 0130MST) shows us clouds over Salt Lake City, but central and southern Utah state enjoying fair skies. Weather progressing as expected last forecast, the settled one seems to be kept toward this weekend. Temperatures Max 63F/17C, Min 30F/-1C with breeze.

Thanks to warm airflow from SW, daytime temperatures rising in west U.S. By the way strong cold air mass likely to come down over east, possibly to see distinctive differences in temperature between both side. Thank you.

By Yoh Mizumoto


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2015-02-12 11:47:50 | MARS on EARTH

MDRS Crew 149
Paul Bakken
Commander Report








DG Interplanetaryは、EVAテストのためUND膝パッドを含む貨物ドローンを今日HABに送ったそうです。
私は彼らに連絡先をメールしました。 (はい!このメールは繋がりました!)


当面、すべてのコンポーネントがeither Command Strips や low adhesive/non-marking tapeのいずれかでマウントされているので安心してください。



The first part of the day was consumed with adapting to the loss of power. Crew spent the first few hours of the day salvaging and recovering projects that were dependent on power, water, or heat.

Most notably, the regolith plant growth study specimens were moved to a calibrated distance away from the propane heater, which functions independent of power, on Deck 1 to maintain a temperature of no less than 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

We also continued strict water rationing, as we did not want to draw off of the loft tank without the benefit of the pump. We were concerned that doing so might introduce an air bubble into the line. Tank water was reserved for use as a last resort.

We also took the step of turning off all lights and unplugging heavy use devices such as the refrigerator and computers. We did not want utilities left on to create a sudden demand surge to the generator once power was restored to the Hab.

Finally, we made use of an AC adapter in a personally owned rover (Ken's truck) to provide power to charge personal electronics. We performed a series of short EVAs to and from the "power rover" and the Hab to shuttle devices out to be charged and then back in again. The primary reason for this was to keep certain cell phone charged, as they were our only viable connection with Mission Control at the time. We also charged up a number of personally owned "charge bricks" to ensure a backup reserve of charging power, in the event that the power rover solution no longer worked.

Power to the Hab was restored at approximately 12:20 hours. All subsystems were gradually and progressively brought back online, and devices such as the fridge and computers plugged back in. The crew spent a considerable amount of time confirming the correct operation of each electrical system in the Hab after re-powering. The electrical devices are confirmed to be working at least as well as they were before the loss of power. We continue to struggle with slow, intermittent Internet connection, however.

DG Interplanetary sent a cargo drone to the Hab today containing the UND knee-pads for EVA testing. I have emailed the organization contact to let them know that we got them and will proceed with the testing. (Yes! One email actually got though!)

We had two visitors today, whom the crew accommodated without breaking Sim. The Journalist report will provide more details about these visits.

In conjunction with the power rover EVAs, we were able to get the prototype airlock system installed. We will send pictures soon. For the time being, please rest assured that all components have been mounted with either Command Strips or low adhesive/non-marking tape. We have not made any permanent alterations to the Hab.

The system works great, by the way. The crew has remarked that it adds a lot to the veracity of Sim.

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MDRS天気予報 2/10 (MST)

2015-02-11 00:14:44 | 気候・天気



Naganuma arrived at the base MDRS and started the mission! Weather data for Feb 9 Monday shows northern Utah was cloudy, fair in central and southern of the state.

NOAA Satellite IR image on Feb 10 at 1015z (Feb 10 at 0315MST) depicts a bit amount of clouds spreading over north, while fair in central and south.
Based on various forecast charts, settled weather to be held till Thursday, then cloudy weekend. Temperatures Max 60F/17C, Min 26F/-3C are expected with breeze. Thank you.

By Yoh Mizumoto


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2015-02-10 22:24:01 | MARS on EARTH

MDRS Crew 149
Paul Bakken
Commander Report


早く着いたので、私たちはthe trapeziumの予備的建設を開始しました。
私たちは、the trapeziumトラペジウムの建設を完了することができました。
そして、私たちは、FD肉、チーズ、貯蔵安定なクリームをBull Mountain marketからピックアップした。
私は、PamelaとKenがここにある材料から、これらの料理をどうやって作るのかが分からない・・・ 火星のマジック、多分?


1. Crew 149 executed a successful Martian orbital capture (arrival at Hanksville) at approximately 12:00 hours on 2/7/2015. We completed our EDL at 13:00 hours and disembarked our vehicle to the Hab.

2. Upon arrival at the Hab, we were warmly greeted by Cdr. Lucie Poulet and the rest of Crew 148. We moved all of our personal luggage and crew materials into the Crew Rover temporarily to make the MAV immediately available for use by Crew 148.

Because we arrived ahead of schedule, we began preliminary construction of the trapezium. Our crew elected to conduct this construction project while still out of Sim because we needed supplementary storage space for project materials ASAP. We will still have two sub-projects to perform as a part of Project 149-1 once we enter Sim.

At approximately 16:00 hours, we gathered in the Hab with Crew 148 to receive training on the EVA suits, individual rovers, and Hab safety systems. We then received training on the use of HALpr, followed by individual one-on-one training with our crew role counterparts.

Training and briefings were completed by 18:00 hours. We enjoyed our first home-cooked meal on Mars, graciously prepared by Crew 148, and then settled in to sleep.

3. Most personnel from both crews were awake by 05:00 hours on 2/8/2015. Crew 148 finished packing the MAV, and departed about an hour later. We enjoyed meeting these colleagues and fellow travellers, and appreciated their hospitality and good advice. Crew 149 officially assumed command of the MDRS at 06:15 hours.

4. Crew 149 finished a hasty breakfast/daily in-brief, and then set to work for the day. Although the moderate wind made it challenging, we were able to complete construction of the Trapezium. I suspect that Crew 149 will go down in MDRS history as either the first crew to construct a large, field-expedient supplementary structure... or the first crew to create a "wrong side of the tracks" section on Mars. I honestly don't know which. I may be being overly critical of the result, since the reality doesn't quite match the design I had in my mind, but the rest of the crew is favorably impressed with the result. We tested it as a notional rover garage and it worked great. We will continue to store the rovers in their traditional place at the side of the Hab, however. Once we get our Internet connectivity issues resolved, we will send pictures of the construction effort and final result.

5. We also prepped for other projects, such as our Food related studies, ozone laundering experiment, 3D printing project, and randomized emergencies simulation. We also assembled the trommel for use with Project 149-5.

6. Our crew was so busy with construction and preparation for other projects that we nearly forgot to eat lunch. At 13:30, I collected to full crew in the Hab and prepared a hasty lunch for them of noodles with FD chicken and assorted FD vegetables. The crew pronounced the meal to be delicious. Hunger certainly is the best spice!

7. Our crew dealt with a number of contingencies throughout the day.

We noted a possible leak in the main propane tank and immediately reported it to Mission Control. Technicians from an allied Martian colony arrived within two hours and replaced the leaking tank with a temporary 200 gallon tank, which is about 80% full. This will see us through the rest of our rotation, and will buy time for a permanent solution.

We also struggled with sluggish comms. After verifying that ALL of our devices were disconnected from the MDRS WiFi, and connecting only one device, we still experienced a slow connection and time-outs. We scoured the Hab and MDRS site for other potential suspects. We discovered that the some of the ChromeBooks were in a slumber state from which they could occasionally somehow be "woken up," either by vibration or something else. These ChromeBooks were set to automatically access MDRS WiFi and had an open browser that kept loading a very graphically intense website. After manually disconnecting these devices from the WiFi and powering them down, the connectivity improved noticeably. We are still unable to have more than one device on a time with any reliability, but at least we can now do that!

On a different note, we were able to acquire and stock all of the Hab items on Dr. Hunter's list, and we picked up the FD meats, cheeses and shelf stable cream from Bull Mountain market. Once we receive specific directions on how to parcel these items out, we can make up boxes of items for each subsequent crew.

While in the GreenHab recovering some of Crew 149's regolith simulant, I noticed some electrical wiring that was bare and cut, dangling from a few places. I installed proper electrical terminator caps on these wire to mitigate the potential hazard. Incidentally, it is my opinion that all of the electrical wiring in the GreenHab should be removed, and replaced with new wiring if the GreenHab is going to be repaired. The current wiring has been fire damaged and is not safe for future use.

8. As I prepare this report, I am told that we will be having hamburgers, veggie burgers, and a special frozen dessert for supper. I have no idea how Pamela and Ken managed to make these dishes from the items available here -- Martian Magic, perhaps?

9. We will likely go to bed early, as we are tired from working outside all day. Tomorrow, we may enter Sim, if we can first resolve our comms issues, and are able to pick up the space suit knee pads that we have been asked to test from the Hanksville postal office. Any additional advice on improving the internet situation here at the Hab would be well received.

Thank you all for your support and for the opportunity to take part in this unique experience!

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2015-02-10 16:20:04 | MARS on EARTH



Paul Bakken - Commander

Ken Sullivan - XO & Crew Engineer

Pamela Nicoletatos - Crew Geologist & GreenHab Officer

Kellie Gerardi - Public Affairs Officer

Elena Miscodan - Health & Safety Officer

Takeshi Naganuma - Crew Biologist

Ann-Sofie Schreurs - Crew Biologist & GreenHab Officer

Mission Statementは、こちら

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MDRS天気予報 2/8 (MST) 現地は、朝を迎えた頃かと思いますが・・・

2015-02-08 22:24:02 | 気候・天気




Naganuma posted on his facebook and said he's leaving for MDRS yesterday.
Wonder if he's reached?
Weather data saying the base saw fair Friday then cloudy Saturday, but seems little/no rain or snowfall even if it was.

NOAA Satellite IR image on Feb 8 at 1045z (Feb 8 at 0345MST) shows clear skies over almost of Utah state.
Latest forecast charts say the fair weather likely to hold till Tuesday.
Temperatures Max 60F/17C, Min 30F/-1C with southwest wind with 5mph(2.2m/s).
Thank you.

By Yoh Mizumoto

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Sol882 "Mojave 2."でフルドリル実施

2015-02-08 00:02:40 | MSL

Curiosityは、Sol867にPink Cliffsにある"Mojave,"をミニドリルした結果、フルドリルを行わないことにしました。
「Sharp山に到着して、はや115Sol」でお伝えしたとおり、サンプル箇所がドリルによって壊れてしまい、綺麗なサンプルが採取できないと判断して、第2のターゲット"Mojave 2."に目標を切り替えました。

その技術を使用して"Mojave 2."で見事にミニドリルとフルドリルを実施した結果が下図です。
・"Mojave 2."のサンプルは、現在分析中です。
・予備的試験で、古代の状態が酸性的であったことを示唆しています。 (CheMinによる分析結果です。

最初に "Mojave," が選ばれた理由は、鉱物の結晶のように見える米粒よりも僅かに小さなもので多くの細長い特徴のあるものが見られたからです。
"Mojave 2


現在分かっていることは、"Mojave 2."の方が"Confidence Hills," よりもより酸性が強いということです。
従って、ジャロサイトの量も"Confidence Hills," より多く含まれています。

"Mojave 2."は、大変やわらかくてレベル1と2のパーカッションレベルを使用して10分で規定のサンプル穴を掘ることが出来ました。
Curiosityは、Sharp山を登り始める前にPahrump Hillsで、あと1つかそれ以上のサンプルを採取するかもしれません。

"Mojave 2."と"Confidence Hills,"は、かなり近い(15mくらいか?)と思いますが、分析で差が出ています。

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Sol837 Curiosityを見ていた!

2015-02-07 11:48:00 | MSL

2月4日のWhat'sNewにSol837(2014年12月14日 JST)にHiRISEがCuriosityの姿を捉えた画像が公表されました。
「Where is Curiosity?」のSol835の位置は、下記の通りです。


Whale Rockに迫っていた時ですね!

下図がWhale Rockのアップ画像です。

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MDRS天気予報 2/6 (MST) いよいよ長沼先生!火星へ!

2015-02-07 00:11:14 | 気候・天気



土曜日から広島大学の長沼毅(Takeshi Naganuma)准教授がCrew149の一員としてMDRS滞在を開始されます。


NOAA Satellite IR image on Feb 6 at 06z (Feb 5 at 2300MST) shows cloud system flowing to the north of Utah state from California, but central and south of the state seeing fair sky including MDRS. It may be cold in Friday morning by radiation cooling.

Based on latest forecast charts, MDRS may see fair weather on Friday then cloudy with rain/snow on Saturday. Sunday is expected to be cloudy with some breaks. Temperatures Max 60F/17C, Min 43F/1C with weak wind from north.

Takeshi Naganuma, associate professor in Hiroshima Univ., will kick off the two week stay as a member of Crew149. Hope fruitful activities!
Thank you.

By Yoh Mizumoto

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MDRS天気予報 2/1 (MST)

2015-02-01 15:14:15 | 気候・天気


気温は最高54F/12C, 最低30F/-1Cで、夜間は雲が出やすくなるため放射冷却はあまり効かないと考えられます。



NOAA analysis chart and Satellite image on Jan31 at 18z (Jan31 at 1100MST)say that the high locating at NW U.S. covers with Utah and brings fair weather there, including MDRS.
Current forecast charts depict the settled weather to last till this weekend (Feb7/8).

Temperatures Max 54F/12C, Min 30F/-1C, less cold morning due to cloudy night expected.

Incidentally NE U.S. met severe snowfall as expected previously, but also seen great regional differences in falling.
NYC had much less falling than forecasts, while record-breaking accumulation in Boston.

By Yoh Mizumoto

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