English Collection



2008年12月07日 | 英語学習
ジュニア小説の "A Wrinkle in Time" からです。
And though it was warmer than it had been when they so precipitously left the apple orchard, there was a faintly autumnal touch to the air; near them were several small trees with reddened leaves very like sumac, and a big patch of goldenrod-like flowers.
"sumac" は何かの樹木である事は容易に推測がつきます。日本にはない植物かも知れないし気にすることも無いかとも思いますが、植物好きな事と、中学生程度が読む本なのでこの程度は常識かと思い一応辞書を引きます。 説明が一番詳しいWebster's Revised Unabridged Dictionaryから引用します。
(Bot.) Any plant of the genus Rhus, shrubs or small trees with usually compound leaves and clusters of small flowers. Some of the species are used in tanning, some in dyeing, and some in medicine. One, the Japanese Rhus vernicifera, yields the celebrated Japan varnish, or lacquer.
Lacquer Tree (Toxicodendron vernicifluum or formerly Rhus verniciflua), also called Varnish Tree, Japanese lacquer Tree, Japanese Varnish Tree and Japanese Sumac, is a species of genus Toxicodendron (formerly Rhus) that grows in East Asia, in regions of China, Korea and Japan.
なるほどやはり "Japanese lacquer Tree" = "Japanese Sumac" 位は覚えた方が良さそうだ。
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