English Collection


cloven pine

2008年12月13日 | 英語学習
会社との契約は来年も更新してもらえる事になりました。 これで安心して正月を迎えられます。 という訳で今日はちょっと張り切って長めの投稿です。 
ジュニア小説の "A Wrinkle in Time" に、
"You are like Ariel in the cloven pine, Charles. And I can let you out. Look at me Charles. Come back to us."
という一節がありました。 またしばらくすると、
"Your cloven pine thing. Isn't Father imprisoned in a cloven pine even more than Charles? Look at him, in that column there. Get him out, Calvin."
とまた "coloven pine" と言う言葉が出てきます。
辞書を見ると "cloven" は "cleave" の過去分詞、あるいは形容詞として
Dictionary.com: cleft; split; divided: Goats have cloven hoofs
のような例がでていますがそれでは引用文の "coloven pine" が何なのかやはり分かりません。
色々と調べるとシェークスピアの作品に同じ言葉が使われていることが分かりました。 まずはWikipediaの説明を詠んで見ましょう。
Ariel is a fictional sprite who appears in William Shakespeare's play The Tempest. Ariel is bound to serve the magician Prospero, who rescued him from the tree in which he was imprisoned by Sycorax, the witch who previously inhabited the island.
Ariel had been trapped by the witch Sycorax in a "cloven pine" as a punishment for resisting her commands. After 12 years of pain (and the death of Sycorax) Ariel was released from his prison by Prospero. Prospero in return placed him under his service.
"A Wrinkle in Time" での使われ方もこのシェークスピア作品と同じですね。 でも何故 "cloven pine" と言う表現なのか今一つ分かりません。
The 'cloven pine' has never been explained before. All wood was rough cut during the 1500's except for wood for ship building which had to be totally flat so water would not get in between the boards of the hull. That wood had to be cleaved or 'planed' into flat boards. Also the wood used to make the hulls (or box) of the ships was pine. The cleaved pine box that Ariel was in for a dozen years was an abandoned 'cloven pine' ships the The Drake family had to live in for a dozen years in old ships since they.were protestant and had to hide in a ship junk yard to avoid the persecution of the Catholic Bloody Queen Mary Tudors (Sycorax).
うーん、なるほど。 英米の子供は( "A Wrinkle in Time"は恐らく中学生程度の読み物)シェークスピアを読まされているのでこんな事( "cloven pine")は常識なのでしょうね。
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