The Affair, Part IIでMAX DANGERはついに銀行の窓口で会った女性とデートをしました。
They said "good-night" outside the disco. Max walked home from Roppongi. He felt bad about what he did; he felt good about what he didn't do. He didn't sleep. His middle child, normally the healthiest of the lot, was up vomiting most of the night.
正直に言って他人の "affairs" には余り興味はありません。私のもっぱらの関心は英語の表現・単語・慣用句です。
"lot" は色々な意味を持っていて、以前にも一度取り上げていますが(Ref. )、上の引用文にある "lot" の意味はその時の意味とは違います。 また辞書を見ます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: a number of associated persons : set (fell in with a rough lot)
・Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary: chiefly Brit: all the members of a group of people - usually singular ・Do you know the lot [=bunch, crowd] that hang around the arcade? ・That lot will never amount to anything! They're a thoroughly bad lot. ・Pipe down, the (whole) lot of you. = Pipe down, you lot.
・Compact Oxford English Dictionary: [treated as singular or plural] informal a particular group or set of people or things: it’s just one lot of rich people stealing from another: he will need a second lot of tills to handle the second currency
・Cambridge Dictionaries Online: UK an amount or set of things, especially when there are several of these amounts: I've already done one lot of washing.: Another lot of visitors will be here this afternoon.
不良 "lot" などで物を示すのは知っていましたが、人にも使えるのですね。 引用文の場合はMAXの家族を示しているのでしょう。
They said "good-night" outside the disco. Max walked home from Roppongi. He felt bad about what he did; he felt good about what he didn't do. He didn't sleep. His middle child, normally the healthiest of the lot, was up vomiting most of the night.
正直に言って他人の "affairs" には余り興味はありません。私のもっぱらの関心は英語の表現・単語・慣用句です。
"lot" は色々な意味を持っていて、以前にも一度取り上げていますが(Ref. )、上の引用文にある "lot" の意味はその時の意味とは違います。 また辞書を見ます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: a number of associated persons : set (fell in with a rough lot)
・Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary: chiefly Brit: all the members of a group of people - usually singular ・Do you know the lot [=bunch, crowd] that hang around the arcade? ・That lot will never amount to anything! They're a thoroughly bad lot. ・Pipe down, the (whole) lot of you. = Pipe down, you lot.
・Compact Oxford English Dictionary: [treated as singular or plural] informal a particular group or set of people or things: it’s just one lot of rich people stealing from another: he will need a second lot of tills to handle the second currency
・Cambridge Dictionaries Online: UK an amount or set of things, especially when there are several of these amounts: I've already done one lot of washing.: Another lot of visitors will be here this afternoon.
不良 "lot" などで物を示すのは知っていましたが、人にも使えるのですね。 引用文の場合はMAXの家族を示しているのでしょう。