English Collection


on the bender

2011年09月22日 | 英語学習
さて、Max Danger、Let's Healthyの章でMaxは温泉旅行に誘われました(by his band of corporate samurai)。
Most importantly, Max's invitation demonstrated that he was beginning to be accepted by the group. He would be leaving the realm of rigid hierarchical levels in the office, and entering the opposite world of absolute and complete equality of Japanese men on the bender.
最後に出てきた "on the bender" が分からないので辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: informal a wild drinking spree: he went off on a self-destructive bender
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: spree (hungover after a weekend bender): He went on a bender and was drunk all weekend.
・Macmillan Dictionary: go on a bender (informal): to drink a very large amount of alcohol in a short time
"on the bender" とまでは行きませんが、実は昨日は台風のせいで4時頃から会社で酒盛りがあったのです。変わった会社ですよね。
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