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corporate fling & big T.

2011年09月26日 | 英語学習
Max DangerはExpats are not all alike.と次ぎの様に言っています。
Yes, of course, some are taller than others, some fatter, some smarter, some happier. Some are raising young families, some are on the final corporate fling before retirement. Some have a healthy attitude about life in the big T., some are being gradually eaten away by rage and frustration. Some read the Weekender, some (unaccountably) do not. Some expats don't even work for IBM.
"corporate fling" は以前に取り上げた "office fling"(Ref. http://blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2007/12/28 ) を思い出させますが、定年退職前でそれも無いだろうと思い辞書で確認します。
・Macmillan Dictionary: a short time during which you have a lot of fun, especially before you start doing something more serious: This vacation is my final fling before I start college.
・Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary: a short period of time spent doing enjoyable and exciting things: They had time for one last fling before going back to school.
・Cambridge Dictionaries Online: a short period of enjoyment: The students are having a final/last fling before they leave university and start work.
これなら私も経験があります。4年前に最初の会社を定年退職する前に、残っていた有給休暇を消化する休暇を取り、ホノルルマラソンに参加する為にハワイに行き、マラソンの後1週間ほど滞在し、ウィンドウサーフィン、水上ボートやら海中散歩などで遊んで来たことを思い出しました。 あれがまさに、 "the final corporate fling before retirement" だったのですね。
ところで、その後に出てくる "big T." も分かりません。 Big TというブランドのTシャツがある様だが、著者が意味したものかどうかは疑問。 スラング専門の辞書、Urban Dictionaryに次ぎの項目がありましたが、
'T' is the guy in every office that eats all day, rustling away those walkers crisps packets and opening his drawer to the ever-filled stash of cadbury delights. He has a big jelly bean jar that he uses as a tool to attract people over. Otherwise they stay clear for the fear of breathing in his bodily functions
'What's BIG T eating now?' 'Is that a Big T rustle, i can hear' 'Out with the Jelly Beans again? is Big T looking for human contact..'
"healthy attitude" に対しての皮肉とすれば、このスラングの意味で合っていますが、確信はありません。 この "big T." は未解決ファイルに入れる事にします。
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