English Collection



2014年06月16日 | 英語学習

"I don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about," Maj said, turning away from him, "and since half the time you don't either, that makes us about even." She was in no mood for his snide comments at the moment. "Anyway, if you're not going to deliver usefull criticism, you--"
文脈から "snide comments" は非難の様な意味だと思いますが、 "snide" は知らない単語なので辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Derogatory or mocking in an indirect way: ‘snide remarks about my mother’
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: slyly disparaging :  insinuating: snide remarks: a snide trick to get the old woman to sell her antiques for practically nothing
Snide means insulting or contemptuous in an indirect way. If your friend is wearing too much purple eye shadow and your other friend whispers to you, “What? Was she in a car wreck?” that’s a snide comment.
Snide remarks are the kinds of things people say with a sneer on their face. When you leave a movie theater and your friend says, “I can’t believe someone was actually paid to write that screenplay,” he’s being snide. Instead of saying, “That movie was terrible,” he's expressing his disdain in a more underhanded and indirect way.
日本語の嫌味も "snide" の一種と言えそうです。

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