English Collection


send him to Coventry

2014年06月17日 | 英語学習
"What do we do?" Mairead said.
"Send him to Coventry," said Chin.
Coventry, heck, send him to jail! was Maj's first thought in response to this.
牢獄より生温い罰とすると "Coventry" は少年矯正所の様な施設で固有名詞から一般的な表現になったと推測しますが、辞書に説明があるでしょうか?
"send someone to Coventry" で次の説明がOxford English Dictionaryに出ています。
chiefly British Refuse to associate with or speak to someone: ‘some people ignore and send to Coventry individuals they disapprove of’
[ mid 18th century: sometimes said to stem from the extreme unpopularity of soldiers stationed in Coventry, who were cut off socially by the citizens, or because Royalist prisoners were sent there during the English Civil War, the city being staunchly Parliamentarian]
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: a state of ostracism or exclusion: sent to Coventry
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