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2014年06月10日 | 英語学習

Japan Times Online, May 25の記事の一部を抜粋します。
Kyoto law puts ‘upskirt’ photography in focus
Surreptitious filming or taking of pictures up the skirts of high school females has long made headlines throughout Japan. A whole subgenre of magazines exists for Peeping Toms who earn their living by taking photos on the sly, while the Internet has created unprecedented opportunities for getting photos and video out to the peeping public.
In an attempt to crack down on sleazy photographers, Kyoto Prefecture has revised an ordinance that expands the scope of protection. Ordinances forbidding covert filming do exist for public places such as shopping centers, railway stations, trains and buses, which fall under the definition of public buildings and transport systems.
In October 2012, a male teacher at a Kyoto city junior high school was caught taking pictures under girls’ skirts. Kyoto police could not make an arrest for illegally filming and had to arrest him on another charge. But the incident sparked local interest in expanding the definition of the ordinance, which had been limited to “public places and transport.”
記事を読めばタイトルに使われている‘upskirt’ の意味がスカートの中を覗く(この場合は盗撮する)ことだと分かりますが、引用符で囲まれていると言う事はこの単語が新語、あるいは普通は使わない意味を示していると思われますが、‘upskirt’ は辞書に出ているか調べます。
・Collins Dictionary: indicating a photograph taken, usually surreptitiously, of a woman sitting or standing with her legs open in such a way that her underwear is exposed
・Dictionary.com: pertaining to a view from under a woman's skirt
・Urban Dictionary: videos or photos or views of up a woman's skirt.: you can get a good upskirt view if you have a mirror attatched to your shoe.
やはり新語の様です。Collins Dictionaryを除いて一般的な辞書にはこの単語はまだ掲載されていない様です。
数年前に高名な大学教授もこの ‘upskirt’で逮捕されていますが、女性の下着を盗撮してどこが面白いのか理解に苦しみます。

追記 驚いたことについ先日現役の小学校の校長がこの‘upskirt’で逮捕されました。お蔭でこの単語は直ぐに覚えられそうですが、嘆かわしい事です。

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