"Name two of them."
He leaned across the table, but the waiter came up.
"I'll have bourbon and plain water," Goble told him. "Bonded stuff. None of that bar whiskey for me. And don't try to fool me. I'll know. And bottled water. The city water here is terrible."
The waiter just looked at him.
"Bonded stuff" の意味が分かりません。"stuff" は物の意味があるので "Bonded stuff" では辞書の項目にあるはずがないので "bond/bonded" の意味、用例を色々の辞書で見ましたが、中々適当な例は見つかりません。しかし、"bonded" に次の意味があることをやっと見つけました。
・Dictionary.com: Also caled bonded whiskey. a whiskey that has been aged at least four years in a bonded warehouse before bottling.
なるほど、"stuff" は上の引用個所では "bourbon" のことで、"bourbon" は "whiskey" の親戚なので、この説明は参考にできると思います。"bonded bourbon/whiskey" で検索するとWeb上で容易に説明が見つかりました。Wikipediaに丁寧で分かり易い説明がありますが、引用するには長過ぎるので興味のある方は直接そちらのサイトを見てもらうとして、ここではやはりWebで見つけた次の説明を紹介しておきます。
The requirement for "bottled in bond" is that the whiskey must be produced in the same distilling season by the same distiller at the same distillery. Non-bonded whiskey can be from different years as well as from different distillers. Other requirements for bonded whiskies is that they must be a minimum of 4 years in age and be no less than 100 proof.
Distillers originally produced "bottled in bond" whiskies in order to avoid having to pay the excise tax until the whiskey was aged and ready for market.