English Collection



2015年08月13日 | 英語の本を読む

The Running Manの逃亡者RichardsはボストンのYMCAの建物の地下で、追ってから逃れようと、何やらしでかそうとしています。
He walked over to the newspapers which lay in dirty yellow drifts against the whole eastern length of the cellar. Then he ferreted out the folded and dog-eared book of matches he had been lighting his smokes with. There were three left. He yanked out a sheet paper and formed it into a spill; held it under his arm like a dunce cap and lit a match.
He held it to his paper spill and yellow flame bloomed.
"spill" は液体をこぼしたり、秘密を漏らしたりする事しか連想しませんが、上に出てくる "spill" は明らかにその様な意味ではなく、紙を "spill" にして、火をつけた後はその "paper spill" を手で持っていたとありますが、いずれにせよ単なる紙としか考えられません。辞書を見ます。
・Collins Dictionary: a splinter of wood or strip of twisted paper with which pipes, fires, etc, are lit
・Dictionary.com: a slender piece of wood or of twisted paper, for lighting candles, lamps, etc.

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