English Collection



2016年01月14日 | 英語の本を読む
記録するのを忘れたのですが、12月22日~24日の何れかのThe Japan Timesの記事、見出しは "Six crazy things Trump says that are spot on" で今話題のトランプ氏についてのニュースです。
Some of Donald Trump's utterances are offensive. His nativist demagoguery is outright fascist.
But Trump also says stuff that other politicians and the media are ...
Donald Trump has surged to the top of the Republican heap by saying outrageous things, issuing over-the-top insults and making ridiculous proposals. Some of his utterances, like his sexist remarks about Carly Fiorina’s looks, are offensive. His nativist demagoguery, calling for mass arrests and deportations of Latinos and a visa ban to Muslim visitors, are outright fascist.
"nativist"、こう言う表現があるのですね。 ネイティブ以外は受け入れない、排他主義の人を指しているのでしょう。辞書で確認します。 ・Oxford English Dictionary: chiefly US The policy of protecting the interests of native-born or established inhabitants against those of immigrants: a deep vein of xenophobia and nativism
他のほとんどの辞書は "nativism" の説明だけを載せていますが、説明の詳しい次の辞書の説明を引用します。
・Vocabulary.com: People who oppose immigration because they feel their culture will be lost or blended in with a new one can be said to believe in nativism.
There have been times in history that nativism allowed a culture to survive, particularly Native American Indian tribes. When the dominant group practices nativism, however, the result looks a lot like a hatred or fear of people who look different, speak a different language, and hold different beliefs than the majority of people.
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