English Collection


hagiographic biopic / hagiography

2016年01月18日 | 英語の本を読む

The Japan Times、Jan.7のCulture欄の記事 "'Miss Doc' shows the struggles of a lone female doctor in rural Japan" から引用します。
Change comes slowly to the Japanese film industry. The hagiographic biopic about a doctor, scientist or similarly distinguished personage — rarely seen in Hollywood since the days of Jack L. Warner and Louis B. Mayer — is still alive and well here.
"hagiographic biopic" の "biopic" は 5/15/2009 に取り上げ覚えた単語ですが、"hagiographic" の方は分からないので辞書を見ます。名詞形の "hagiography" で次の様な説明がありました。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: idealizing or idolizing biography: a hagiography about a famous politician
・Vocabulary.com: A hagiography is a type of biography that puts the subject in a very flattering light. Hagiographies are often about saints.
The two halves of hagiography refer to holiness and writing, and it is something written about holy people. Originally, a hagiography was a biography of a saint written without skepticism or criticism. A hagiography idealizes the subject and puts them on a pedestal. These days, a hagiography is not necessarily written about a saint, but it still idolizes the subject. A hagiography makes the subject seems like a hero, or at least a wonderful, nearly perfect person.

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