English Collection



2016年08月01日 | 英語の本を読む
今日この頃の天気を表すのにぴったりの単語がReader's Digest 6月号の記事 Saving Barle the Circus Bear に出てきました。
She endured mental and physical pain - trainers whipped the bears on the face, head and hindquarters - as well as a sweltering Caribbean environment hostile to her polar-bred sensibilities.
"swelter" の説明を辞書でみます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: (Of a person or the atmosphere at a particular time or place) be uncomfortably hot: ‘Barney sweltered in his doorman’s uniform’
・Vocabulary.com: To swelter is to be hot -- very, very hot, like on a humid, ninety-degree day. To swelter is to feel like you're in an oven.
This word is most often seen in the form sweltering, as in "The weather is sweltering! It's been over 95 degrees for a week straight." Any form of swelter is going to involve major heat -- enough heat to make you sweat buckets. The opposite of swelter is "freeze."
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