English Collection



2016年08月10日 | 英語の本を読む

John Grishamの短編集Ford Countyから二話目のFetching Raymondを読んでいます。
Out from the settlement of Pleasant Ridge, the road became gravel, the homes smaller and farther apart. Leon turned in to a short driveway that stopped at a boxlike house with weeds at the doors and an asphalt shingle roof in need of replacement. It was the Graney home, the place he’d been raised along with his brothers, the only constant in their sad and chaotic lives. A jerry-rigged plywood ramp ran to the side door so that his mother, Inez Graney, could come and go in her wheelchair.
今年の初めに(1/7/2016)に "jury-rig" を取り上げましたが、上に出てきた "jerry-rigged" は同じ意味の様な気もしますが、どうでしょう? 辞書で確認します。
・The Dictionary of American Slang: Patched or cobbled; hoked-up: these would be much better than something jerry-rigged on my Olivetti
[1980s+; a blend of jerry-built, ''badly or flimsily built,'' found by 1869, with jury-rigged, ''rigged tempoarily or in an emergency,'' found by 1788; the origin of both of these is unknown]
・Urban Dictionary: to make or fix something with shoddy materials, or materials not meant for the job.: The antenna broke on the TV, so I jerry rigged a new one out of tin foil and a coat hanger.
"jerry-rigged" は "jury-rigged" とほとんど同じと思ってよさそうです。

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