The Japan Times Online August 25の記事から引用します。
Toshiba gives chip bid dibs to Western Digital after INCJ gets cold feet
Toshiba taps a consortium led by Western Digital as the favored bidder for the embattled giant’s memory chip business.
"dibs" は 7/10/2009 に取り上げました。
"cold feet" は初めて目にする気がする表現ですが、記事の状況を知っているので、及び腰の様な意味であると推測できます。辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Loss of nerve or confidence.: some investors got cold feet and backed out
・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: Nervousness or anxiety felt before one attempts to do something.: I wasn't nervous until the morning of my wedding, but everyone assured me that it was just cold feet. Good luck getting her out on stage—she always gets cold feet before a performance.