改正民法が国会で可決したことに関する同志社大学の先生のコメント記事(op-ed?)がThe Japan Times September 4に掲載されていました。
How Japan got new contract law it neither wants nor needs One possible explanation for the inexplicable change in contract law: It is a giant experiment driven by academic hubris and bureaucratic ambition.
"op-ed": Denoting or printed on the page opposite the editorial page in a newspaper, devoted to commentary, feature articles, etc.(Oxford English Dictionary)
In a newspaper, the op-ed page is a page containing articles in which people express their opinions about things. (COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary)
How Japan got new contract law it neither wants nor needs One possible explanation for the inexplicable change in contract law: It is a giant experiment driven by academic hubris and bureaucratic ambition.
"op-ed": Denoting or printed on the page opposite the editorial page in a newspaper, devoted to commentary, feature articles, etc.(Oxford English Dictionary)
In a newspaper, the op-ed page is a page containing articles in which people express their opinions about things. (COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary)