Reader's Digest 10月号の記事 '13 Things Garbage Collectors Want You to Know' からの抜粋です。
We're being timed. Every route is budgeted a certain number of hours for completion; if we come in over that, our bosses question us to make sure we're not just angling for overtime. There are also cameras and GPS in some of the trucks so we can be monitored at all times.
"angle" はKazuo Ishiguroの短編、NOCTURNEを読んだ時にも出てきて、このブログで取り上げた(3/8/2012)覚えがあります。復習します。
・Collins Dictionary: to scheme or use tricks to get something: he angled for her attention
Kazuo Ishiguroさん、ノーベル賞受賞おめでとうございます。