English Collection



2019年08月14日 | 英語の原書を読む
'Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google'を読んでいると三十数年前の仕事を思い出させる単語が次の個所に出てきました。

Early television was strictly analog. A horizontally scanning electron beam was deflected up or down by a magnetic field created by an ever-changing voltage. Gray wanted to convert the analog voltage into a digital number (a series of coded pulses). Engineers of the time had the rather steampunk notion of shooting the electron beam through a mask with holes representing binary numbers. Different parts of the mask, corresponding to different degrees of deflection, had different patterns of holes.
当時商社の駐在員としてシカゴで働いていましたが、日本のメーカーのTVの部品とIC用のセラミックパッケージを米国のメーカーに販売していました。そのTVの部品は今では死語になってきたブラウン管に使われる、鉄板に特殊な形状をした穴のある、シャドウマスクと呼ばれるものでした。それが上記の引用文では単に "mask" となっている物です。
さて、今日取り上げたいのは "steampunk" なる聞き慣れない単語です。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A style of design and fashion that combines historical elements with anachronistic technological features inspired by science fiction.: The essence of steampunk is homage to vintage fashion with a modern, sassy twist.

・Dictionary.com: a subgenre of science fiction and fantasy featuring advanced machines and other technology based on steam power of the 19th century and taking place in a recognizable historical period or a fantasy world.

"steampunk" と呼ばれるSFがあるのですね。
WORD SPYに書かれていた記事からの抜粋です。
Steampunk often imagines what the past would have been like if the future hadn’t happened so quickly. It imagines, in other words, what engineers and inventors might have come up with if they’d had another, say, one hundred years to tinker with mechanical and steam-powered machines. (Some examples: a steam-powered flamethrower; a spaceship made of steel and wood.) In other cases, steampunk envisions a historical world that has modern elements. For example, in The Difference Engine, Gibson and coauthor Bruce Sterling imagine a late 19th century world in which Charles Babbage was able to build his “difference engine” — the first computer — and so the computer and communications revolution occurred one hundred years earlier than it did.
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