English Collection


graduated meter

2019年08月16日 | 英語の原書を読む
AsimovのI, ROBOTを読んでいます。
It was in the last room, the one nearest the nose, that the monotony broke. A curving window of non-reflecting glass was the first break in the universal metal, and below it was a single large dial, with a single motionless needle hard against the zero mark.
Donovan said, "Look at that!" and pointed to the single word on the finely marked scale.
It said, "Parsecs," and the tiny figure at the right end of the curving, graduated meter said "1,000,000."
"graduate" では卒業することしか思い浮かばないのですが上の個所は別の意味に違いありません。辞書を見ます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: marked with lines for measuring: a graduated cylinder [=a tall, narrow container used for measuring liquids]; a graduated thermometer

・Collins Dictionary: Graduated jars are marked with lines and numbers which show particular measurements.: ...a graduated tube marked in millimetres.
なるほど。辞書によっては "graduated cylinder" の項目で説明がありました。
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a glass cylinder that has lines printed on the side of it showing how much it contains, used by scientists: Pour exactly 100 ml of sulphuric acid into a graduated cylinder.
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