English Collection



2019年08月23日 | 英語の原書を読む
'Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google'からの引用です。
This is one way of hiring for that subject of companies that can pull it off. The coolness ensures that the company will get dozen of applicants for every opening and that those applicants will submit to a gauntlet of interview puzzles, stunts, tests, and hazings. At the end, the interviewers skim the most dazzling talent off the top and reject everyone else (most of whom may be perfectly well qualified). It's not hard to understand why companies do this. The mystery is why so many job seekers are mesmerized by corporate mystiques.
"gauntlet" はよく見かける単語で、以前(3/16/2018) "run a gauntlet" を取り上げていますが、 上の引用文に出てきた "gauntlet" は "throw down the gauntlet" の慣用句からの方が意味を連想し易いですね。上の "gauntlet" に合う説明を辞書で見ます。
・Collins Dictionary: a testing ordeal; trial

・Wiktionary: (figuratively) Any challenging, difficult, or painful ordeal, often one performed for atonement or punishment
・V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary: 1. a challenge issued; 2. a long glove that extends up the forearm; 3. a form of punishment; 4. any trial, difficulty, or obstacle
Tips: Gauntlet is often heard in the phrases "to run the gauntlet," meaning to face criticism from several sides or fronts, "to throw down the gauntlet," meaning to issue a challenge, or "to take up the gauntlet," meaning to accept a challenge.
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