In Other Words(Jhumpa Lajiri著)を読んでいます。
I've been writing since I was a child in order to forget my imperfections, in order to hide in the background of life, In a certain sense writing is an extended homage to imperfection. A book, like a person, remains imperfect, incomplete, during its entire creation. At the end of the gestation the person is born, then grows, but I consider a book alive only during the writing. Afterward, at least for me, it dies.
"gestation" は以前(9/8/2012)取り上げていますが、男は直接に実感しないせいか、私はどうも忘れる単語です。
I've been writing since I was a child in order to forget my imperfections, in order to hide in the background of life, In a certain sense writing is an extended homage to imperfection. A book, like a person, remains imperfect, incomplete, during its entire creation. At the end of the gestation the person is born, then grows, but I consider a book alive only during the writing. Afterward, at least for me, it dies.
"gestation" は以前(9/8/2012)取り上げていますが、男は直接に実感しないせいか、私はどうも忘れる単語です。