English Collection


auricular muscle

2019年08月07日 | 英語の原書を読む
Reader's Digest 6月号の記事 'Your True Stories in 100 Words' から引用します。
You might be able to wiggle your ears. Thirty millon years ago, the three auricular muscles of the outer ear helped our evolutionary ancestors pivot their ears the way cats do. This movement doesn't serve much purpose to modern humans--other than as a party trick. Scientists aren't sure why, but only about 10 to 20 percent of us are able to engage those muscles to wiggle our ears.
"auricular muscles" が耳を動かす筋肉なので、"auricular" は耳に関係する意味を持つ言葉の様ですが、辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Relating to the ear or hearing.: the Catholic doctrine of the necessity of private auricular confession

・Collins Dictionary: of, relating to, or received by the sense or organs of hearing; aural: Ear drops are administered in an auricular administration.

"aural" と関係があるのですね。
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