English Collection


adopted home state

2020年02月29日 | 英語の原書を読む
一昨日引用したReader's Digest 12/1月合併号の記事 'Mind Your Manners' の続きの箇所です。
I finally got a different doctor, although I wish I'd just said, "Please call me Steven." And that's my advice to you; Introduce yourself and ask folks to call you by your name (first or last). Learn theirs too. We all need to feel more connected.
One exception: In my adopted home state of North Carolina,just about everyone is "sweetheart."
"adopted home state" 文脈からしてこれは第二の故郷の意味でしょうね。辞書で確認します。
・Merriam-Webster: used or chosen in place of or in preference to an original: her adopted home/country

・Cambridge English Dictionary: An adopted country is one where someone chooses to live although they were not born there: Spain is my adopted country.
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