English Collection


kicking over the traces

2020年02月25日 | 英語の原書を読む
Somerset Maughamの短編小説 "The Colonel's Lady" から引用します。
"I don't deny that I've had a bit of fun now and then. A man wants it. Women are different."

"We only have men's word for that," said Harry Blane, with a faint smile.

"Evie's absolutely the last woman I'd have suspected of kicking over the traces. I mean, she's a very fastidious, reticent woman. What on earth made her write the damned book?"

"kicking over the traces" も慣用句の様なので調べます。
・The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms : Break loose from restraint, misbehave. For example, There's always one child who'll kick over the traces as soon as the bell rings. This metaphoric expression alludes to the straps attaching a horse to a vehicle, which the animal sometimes gets a leg over in order to kick more freely and thereby refuse to move forward.

・Longman Dictionary: British English old-fashioned to start behaving badly by refusing to accept any control or rules: But perhaps even misogynists can kick over the traces.

・Cambridge English Dictionary: to behave badly and show no respect for authority
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