English Collection


play with rabbits

2020年02月09日 | 英語の原書を読む
Roald Dahlの短編 "My Lady Love, My Dove" からの引用です。
"Listen," she said, slapping down the magazine on her lap," you saw the sort of people they were as well as I did.
A pair of stupid climbers who think they can go anywhere just because they play good bridge."
"I'm sure you're right dear, but what I don't honestly understand is why — "
I keep telling you — so that for once we can get a decent game. I'm sick and tired of playing with rabbits. But I really can't see why I should have these awful people in the house."
カードゲームのブリッジをする話の延長なので、"playing with rabbits" は兎と遊ぶことではないのは確かです。下手な相手とブリッジするのに辟易しているので、ブリッジが上手いので呼んだが、気に入らない人達だとすると、つじつまが合います。ここでの "playing with rabbits" ブリッジの下手な人とゲームをする意味か、辞書で確認します。

・Collins Dictionary: a novice or poor performer at a game or sport

・Dictionary.com: a person who is poor at sports, esp. golf, tennis, or cricket.
"rabbit" は元々イギリス英語でイギリス発祥のスポーツが下手な人を指す意味があるのですね。
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