English Collection



2020年02月03日 | 英語の原書を読む
Reader's Digest 11月号の記事 'Live Long & Prosper' からの引用です。
There's a growing amount of data linking sleep deprivation with disease and other health problems, says Scott Trappe, PhD, director of the human performance lab at Ball State University. Studies show that a lack of quality sleep zaps your energy, ups your stress level, hurts your memory, weakens your immune system, and makes you more anxious and depressed.
この "zap" の意味は文脈からだいたい分かりますが、一応辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Destroy or obliterate.: Zap the enemy's artillery before it can damage your core units.

・Collins Dictionary: To zap someone or something means to kill, destroy, or hit them, for example with a gun or in a computer game.: A guard zapped him with the stun gun.

メディアザッピングに対応する意味の説明が "zap" にあるのか辞書を見ましたが、この意味での説明をしている辞書は見当たりません。(多くの辞書はTVのコマーシャル時にチャンネルを変える場合に "zap" を使う例を載せていますが)
Channel surfing (also known as channel hopping or zapping) is the practice of quickly scanning through different television channels or radio frequencies to find something interesting to watch or listen to. Modern viewers, who may have cable or satellite services beaming down dozens if not hundreds or thousands of channels, are frequently channel surfing. It is common for people to scan channels when commercial broadcasters switch from a show over to running commercials.
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