Somerset Maughamの短編小説 "The Colonel's Lady" からの引用です。
"It's not very pretty to put detectives on one's wife, old boy; and besides, taking for granted for a moment that Evie had an affair, it was a good many years ago and I don't suppose it would be possible to find out a thing. They seem to have covered their tracks pretty carefully."
"I don't care. You put the detectives on. I want to know the truth."
"I won't, George. If you're determined to do that you'd better consult someone else. And look here, even if you got evidence that Evie had been unfaithful to you what would you do with it? You'd look rather silly divorcing your wife because she'd committed adultery ten years ago."
"At all events I could have it out with her."
"You can do that now, but you know just as well as I do that if you do she'll leave you. D'you want her to do that?"
大佐は妻の不倫について友人の弁護士に相談に行き、探偵を雇うことを頼みますが、止めた方が良いとたしなめられています。"I could have it out with her." の個所が分かりません。 "have it out" が慣用句の様なので辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Attempt to resolve a dispute or misunderstanding by confronting someone and engaging in a frank discussion or argument.: give her the chance of a night's rest before you have it out with her
・Wiktionary: To confront (someone) with a view to settling a conflict.: I'm not standing for this. I'm going to go and have it out with her right now.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to settle a matter of contention by discussion or a fight: thinks they just need to have it out
"It's not very pretty to put detectives on one's wife, old boy; and besides, taking for granted for a moment that Evie had an affair, it was a good many years ago and I don't suppose it would be possible to find out a thing. They seem to have covered their tracks pretty carefully."
"I don't care. You put the detectives on. I want to know the truth."
"I won't, George. If you're determined to do that you'd better consult someone else. And look here, even if you got evidence that Evie had been unfaithful to you what would you do with it? You'd look rather silly divorcing your wife because she'd committed adultery ten years ago."
"At all events I could have it out with her."
"You can do that now, but you know just as well as I do that if you do she'll leave you. D'you want her to do that?"
大佐は妻の不倫について友人の弁護士に相談に行き、探偵を雇うことを頼みますが、止めた方が良いとたしなめられています。"I could have it out with her." の個所が分かりません。 "have it out" が慣用句の様なので辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Attempt to resolve a dispute or misunderstanding by confronting someone and engaging in a frank discussion or argument.: give her the chance of a night's rest before you have it out with her
・Wiktionary: To confront (someone) with a view to settling a conflict.: I'm not standing for this. I'm going to go and have it out with her right now.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to settle a matter of contention by discussion or a fight: thinks they just need to have it out