伊坂幸太郎氏の小説 "Remote Control" を読み始めました。作家名も題名も見聞きしたことがないので調べると、原作のタイトルは「ゴールデンスランバー」でした。スランバーは英語の "slumber" から来ていると推測しますがが、これが何故翻訳者は "Remote Control" としたのか気になるところです。The Beginingの章から引用します。
"There he is" murmured one of the customers behind Haruko. A car passed slowly from left to right across the screen. For a moment she thought it was snowing, but then realized they were throwing tickertape from the building along the route.
"tickertape" は初めて見る単語ですが、首相になったKanadaの初めての仙台での凱旋パレードの場面で、前に "it was snowing" とあるので紙吹雪だと分かります。辞書の説明を見ます。"tickertape" は普通は "ticker tape" と二語とするとありました。
・Merriam-Webster: the paper ribbon on which a telegraphic ticker prints off its information: To celebrate, the city put on a traditional ticker tape parade—the first time a local women’s sports team was so honored, according to the Bergen Record.
・Collins Dictionary: Ticker tape consists of long narrow strips of paper on which information such as stock exchange prices is printed by a machine. In American cities, people sometimes throw ticker tape from high windows as a way of celebrating and honouring someone in public.: A half million people watched the troops march in New York's ticker tape parade.
・Vocabulary.com: a continuous thin ribbon of paper on which stock quotes are written: Across the river in Manhattan, on Wall Street and Park Avenue, Delancey Street and Broadway, people danced under showers of computer cards and ticker tape.
これは紙吹雪ではなく紙テープですね。紙吹雪に使う英語は "confetti" ではないでしょうか? 若い人は知らないでしょうが、私が入社した頃はTelex/Teletype1(通信端末)で紙テープ(つまり "ticker tape")に文面を穿孔し、確認してから発信するのに使用していました。現在のPCではメモリーがその役目を果たしていますね。
"There he is" murmured one of the customers behind Haruko. A car passed slowly from left to right across the screen. For a moment she thought it was snowing, but then realized they were throwing tickertape from the building along the route.
"tickertape" は初めて見る単語ですが、首相になったKanadaの初めての仙台での凱旋パレードの場面で、前に "it was snowing" とあるので紙吹雪だと分かります。辞書の説明を見ます。"tickertape" は普通は "ticker tape" と二語とするとありました。
・Merriam-Webster: the paper ribbon on which a telegraphic ticker prints off its information: To celebrate, the city put on a traditional ticker tape parade—the first time a local women’s sports team was so honored, according to the Bergen Record.
・Collins Dictionary: Ticker tape consists of long narrow strips of paper on which information such as stock exchange prices is printed by a machine. In American cities, people sometimes throw ticker tape from high windows as a way of celebrating and honouring someone in public.: A half million people watched the troops march in New York's ticker tape parade.
・Vocabulary.com: a continuous thin ribbon of paper on which stock quotes are written: Across the river in Manhattan, on Wall Street and Park Avenue, Delancey Street and Broadway, people danced under showers of computer cards and ticker tape.
これは紙吹雪ではなく紙テープですね。紙吹雪に使う英語は "confetti" ではないでしょうか? 若い人は知らないでしょうが、私が入社した頃はTelex/Teletype1(通信端末)で紙テープ(つまり "ticker tape")に文面を穿孔し、確認してから発信するのに使用していました。現在のPCではメモリーがその役目を果たしていますね。