数年前に読んだ多読本のAndrew Watson著 "The Stranger" がとても面白かったので同じ著者の "Deadly Truth" を読むことにしました。この話も展開が速く、とても面白かったのですが、多読本(レベル12)なので知らない単語や表現は使われていないので、直ぐに読み終えて、このブログのネタになりません。しかしながら、小説の中身ではありませんが、この出版社のシリーズ名 "Cengage Page Turners" の "Page Turners" は日本語で何て言うのか分かりませんが、読んでいて話の内容に引き込まれ、この先はどうなるのか、気になって読むのが止まらない状態になる事を上手く表していると思います。そこで "Page Turners" の辞書での説明を見ることにしました。
・Collins Dictionary: You can refer to an exciting novel, such as a thriller, as a page-turner.: It's an extraordinarily compelling page-turner that also happens to be a major work of literature.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a book that is so exciting that you want to read it quickly: Her latest novel is a real page-turner.
・Oxford English Dictionary: An exciting book.: It is a stunning book, a page-turner and thought-provoker.’
・Wiktionary: A written work, usually a novel, which is sufficiently interesting or suspenseful to keep the reader 'turning the pages'.: A non-fiction work, ranging from a brochure to an academic book, may also be considered a page-turner.
名詞として使う場合は普通はハイフンを使う " page-turner" の様です。
・Collins Dictionary: You can refer to an exciting novel, such as a thriller, as a page-turner.: It's an extraordinarily compelling page-turner that also happens to be a major work of literature.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a book that is so exciting that you want to read it quickly: Her latest novel is a real page-turner.
・Oxford English Dictionary: An exciting book.: It is a stunning book, a page-turner and thought-provoker.’
・Wiktionary: A written work, usually a novel, which is sufficiently interesting or suspenseful to keep the reader 'turning the pages'.: A non-fiction work, ranging from a brochure to an academic book, may also be considered a page-turner.
名詞として使う場合は普通はハイフンを使う " page-turner" の様です。