English Collection


time signature

2016年03月01日 | 英語の本を読む

Music Theory for Dummiesを読んでいます。
The pair of numbers is called the time signature, which incidentally, is the main topic of this chapter. The time signature tells you two things:
*The number of beats in each measure:...
*Which note gets one beat:...
"time signature" は拍子ですね。具体的な拍子を示す、3/4, 4/4, 6/8(/は楽譜上では実際は水平のでその上下に数値が書かれている)はそれぞれ "three-four time", "four-four time", "six-eight time" と読むそうです。
"time" の他に "meter" を使う例も後で次の様に出て来ました。
Up until now, you've had to follow the rule that says 4/4 meter has four beats to every measure.

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