English Collection



2020年04月06日 | 英語の原書を読む
Reader's Digest 2月号の記事 'Wake Up Your Brain' からの引用です。
Last spring, I started a new exercise class. As someone who dislikes doing jumping jacks, burpees, and push-ups, I found the workouts surprisingly enjoyable, at least for a while. But after several months, my hobby began to feel like watching the same episode of a sitcom on repeat.
"burpees" はどんな運動でしょうか?
・Oxford English Dictionary: A physical exercise consisting of a squat thrust made from and ending in a standing position.: he burpee is a calisthenic exercise performed to increase strength and explosiveness.

・Urban Dictionary: The most badass exercise on the market, targets every muscle and improves explosiveness. Common among inmates.

Consists of doing a push up, going into a squat, jumping as high as you can, dropping back into a squat then into a pushup. A pull up can be added after the jump if a bar is available.

Wiktionary: After US physiologist Royal Huddleston Burpee
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