English Collection


gin up

2015年02月25日 | 英語の本を読む

Feb. 7 Japan Times Online の記事 'Piketty’s solution for Japan’s sick economy? A fourth arrow' のサブタイトルに見慣れない表現がありました。
Over the past week, the French economist has received rock-star treatment in Japan, where the translation of his 2013 book on inequality has hit bookshelves. The problem, Piketty argues, is that the Bank of Japan’s ultra-loose policies are ginning up stocks and real estate, assets that tend to further enrich the wealthy.
"ginning up" が気になる表現です。記事の冒頭を読むとトヨタの記録的な利益の話です。
Toyota’s projected record $18 billion windfall profit should put a smile on Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s face.
"ginning up" の原型 "gin up" を辞書で調べます。
・Wiktionary: (transitive, US) generate, devise or create. The Phillies organization has been working hard to gin up a tide of nostalgia for the last season
Etymology: From gin (short for engine or generate) + up.
なるほど、語源を知ると何故この表現を使ったのか分かりました。トヨタの話から始まったからですね。 Piketty氏の主張は次の具体的な根拠を示しているので説得力があります。
By relying almost entirely on “creative” monetary policies and delaying any structural reforms, Abenomics risks increasing Japan’s Gini coefficient -- a measure of a nation’s rich-poor gap.
At 0.336, Japan’s Gini ranking is already worse than that of Germany, France, Italy and Canada.
Japan’s relative poverty rate -- those living on less than half of median income -- is already about 16 percent, the sixth-worst among countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Gini coefficient/Gini rankingもついでに覚えて置きたい用語です。

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Gee! Thanks (Lingo Field)
2015-02-25 15:49:15
Owing much to a vocabulary genie like you, a geezer like me can gen up on such linguistic gems as "gin up" and "Gini". Thank you.
英語教室 Lingo-Field (仙台)
Master of Pun (バネ)
2015-02-26 22:20:14
Thanks for the compliment. I give you three pieces of cushion.(座布団3枚)
If I were a genie, you should be a punster genius.
Pun is fun but bane is bad.

