English Collection


raring to

2024年12月15日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 10月号の記事 "The Nicest Place in America" からの引用です。

Space is tight, so Vera prefers to work alone--though not for lack of volunteers. Kabul's fall in 2021 saw an influx of refugees to Silver Spring, a Washington, D.C., suburb of about 80,000. It's home to families, young professionals, retirees like Vera, and a large community of immigrants and refugees raring to make Montgomery County home.

"raring to" を調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: raring to do something very enthusiastic about starting to do something: She is raring to get back to work after her operation.
・Collins Dictionary: If you are raring to do something or are raring for it, you are very eager to do it or very eager that it should happen.: Sarah's here and raring to meet you.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to be very enthusiastic about starting something: I've bought all the paint for decorating the bedrooms and I'm raring to get started.

"raring" は形容詞ですね。そして、以前(1/15/2010)既に pick-me-upと一緒に取り上げていました。

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