"tool" は日本語にもなっている単語ですが、ChandlerのPLAYBACKに私の知らなかった意味で次の様に使われていました。
Another beige cab with the name Esmeralda Cab Company tooled around the corner and drifted into the red slot. A big bruiser with thick glasses got out and checked on the wall phone, then got back into his cab and pulled a magazine out from behind his rear-view mirror.
・Oxford English Dictionary: Drive or ride in a casual or leisurely manner: tooling around town in a pink Rolls-Royce
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to drive or ride in a vehicle: We tooled along the highway.
・Vocabulary.com: A tool is also something that you use to perform the duties of a certain profession. The tools of a kindergarten teacher's trade include construction paper, glue sticks, and safety scissors. As a verb, tool can mean to drive aimlessly just for fun, the way you might tool around town in your convertible on a beautiful summer day.
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