探偵Marloweが尾行しているMiss Mayfieldが男ともめています。
She stood up, jerked a wrap off the back of the chair and faced him.
"Shall I pay the check, Mr. Mitchell--or will you pay it with what you borrowed from me?"
His hand went back for another swing at her face. She didn't move. The guy at the next table did. He came up on his feet in one smooth movement and grabbed Mitchell's wrist.
"Take it easy, Larry. You've got a skinful." His voice was cool, almost amused.
"skinful" は知らない単語なので辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Enough alcoholic drink to make one drunk: he had a skinful on New Year’s Eve:
・Collins Dictionary: (slang) sufficient alcoholic drink to make one drunk (esp in the phrase have a skinful)
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: an amount of alcohol that is enough to make a person drunk: By ten o'clock he'd had a skinful.
俗語辞典のUrban Dictionaryに由来が次のように書いてありました。
Derived from wineskin, a canteen-like container made from animal skin that is used to hold wine.
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