English Collection



2009年08月08日 | 英語学習
There have been several accidents in which an inadequate command of English by air crew has been cited as a causative factor.
最近も航空管制官と操縦士の間の会話の誤解・聞き取りが問題で事故につながったニュースを聞いた聞いた記憶があります。航海においても同様な問題があり、英国で "Seaspeak" と呼ばれるプロジェクトがかなり前にあったそうです。 
In 1980 a British project was set up to produce Essential English for International Maritime Use - known as Seaspeak.
この文はThe English Language by David Crystalからの引用ですが、この後に次ぎの様な "Seaspeak" の例が出てきます。
'Reason', as in, 'I intend to enter stern first. Reason: my port thruster is damaged'. A question is always preceeded by the word 'Question', a warning by the word 'Warning', and so on. Each message has its reply-marker: 'Answer', 'Instruction Received'. Bearings and courses using the 360-degree figure notation are alway spoken in three-figure values: 'oh-oh-five degrees', not 'five degrees'.
なるほど、分かり易い応答になりますね。 ところで私としてはこの例文の "Bearings" の意味が分からないので辞書を引きます。
OneLook Quick Definitions: the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies
Dictionary.com: Often, bearings. direction or relative position: The pilot radioed his bearings.
"bearings" が分からないようじゃ操縦士にも海賊にもなれないはずだ。
これでThe English Language by David Crystalを読み終えたのでここからの話題は終わりです。
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3 コメント

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突然のコメント失礼致します。 (sirube)
2009-08-08 16:40:18

The Remains of the Day(written by Kazuo Ishigu... (Bane)
2011-12-03 12:08:12
I was standing on a steep road bound in by trees and hedgerows; much further up the hill, I could see a break in the hedges where a wide barred gate stood outlined against the sky. I began to make my way up to it, supposing that a view from this gate would give me some sense of my bearings; perhaps I had even hoped to see a farmhouse near by where I could gain prompt assistance.
The Remains of the Day(written by Kazuo Ishigu... (Bane)
2011-12-03 12:08:14
I was standing on a steep road bound in by trees and hedgerows; much further up the hill, I could see a break in the hedges where a wide barred gate stood outlined against the sky. I began to make my way up to it, supposing that a view from this gate would give me some sense of my bearings; perhaps I had even hoped to see a farmhouse near by where I could gain prompt assistance.

