Richard DawkinsのThe God Delusionを読んでいます。
"history" が差別用語だとして、"herstory" が出てきます。
It was the feminists who raised my consciousness of the power of consciousness-raising. 'Herstory' is obviously ridiculous, if only because the 'his' in 'history' has no etymological connection with the masculine pronoun. It is as etymologically silly as the sacking, in 1999, of a Washington official whose use of 'niggardly' was held to give racial offence. But even daft examples like 'niggardly' or 'herstory' succeed in raising consciousness. Once we have smoothed our philological hackles and stopped laughing, herstory shows us history from a different point of view. Gendered pronouns notoriously are the front line of such consciousness-raising.
"herstory" は初めて目にしますが、辞書に載っている言葉か確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: History viewed from a female or specifically feminist perspective.: If this mutilation of women and their bodies continues, what will happen to our future, to our daughters and to our herstory?
・Wiktionary: History that emphasizes the role of women, or that is told from a woman's (or from a feminist) point of view.
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