English Collection



2014年08月13日 | 英語学習

The Pursuit of Happynessを読み始めましたが、著者(ゴーストライターを使っているので主人公と言う方が適切か)は、貧乏なだけではなく、実の父親を知らず、継父は酒乱で、DVで警察沙汰は日常茶飯事という、想像しがたい程ひどい環境で育っていきます。それでも母親が大好きな主人公は色々な思い出を持っています。
Sy made and sold an array of incredible-tasting food, including the best sausage I ever ate in my life, and also offered an eclectic selection of home and personal items. Whenever Momma called for "Chrissy Paul..." it was her vocal signal that she was going to ask me to run an errand for her to pick something up at Sy's, anything from a can of Sweet Garrett, the snuff she loved to dip, or Day's Work, a popular brand of chewing tobacco, to some obsecure personal item that I'd never heard of before.
"eclectic selection" の "eclectic" は何度か見た事のある単語ですが、意味が思い浮かびません。仕方がないので辞書を引きます。
・Macmillan Dictionary: an eclectic group of people, things, or ideas is interesting or unusual because it consists of many different types: an eclectic mix/collection/variety: The song displays an eclectic mix of influences.
・Collins Dictionary: 1,(in art, philosophy, etc) selecting what seems best from various styles, doctrines, ideas, methods, etc 2.composed of elements drawn from a variety of sources, styles, etc: But it's really an eclectic collection of mini-games with a clear Japanese flavour.
・Vocabulary.com: She listens to hip-hop, Gregorian chant, and folk music from the '60s. He's been seen wearing a handmade tuxedo jacket over a thrift-store flannel shirt. They both have eclectic tastes.
The English word eclectic first appeared in the seventeenth century to describe philosophers who did not belong to a particular school of thought, but instead assembled their doctrines by picking and choosing from a variety of philosophical systems. Today, the word can refer to any assemblage of varied parts. You can have an eclectic group of friends (friends from diverse groups), eclectic taste in furniture (a mixture of 18th-century French chairs, Andy Warhol paintings, and Persian rugs), or enjoy eclectic cuisine (fusion cooking that uses ingredients from different national cuisines).
私が採り上げてブログに掲載している英単語も "eclectic selection of English expressions" と言えそうです。

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