新渡戸稲造の武士道を読んでいます。SOURCES OF BUSHIDOの章から引用します。
I am inclined to think that the Japanese mind, as expressed in the simple tenets of the Shinto religion, was particularly open to the reception of Yang Ming’s precepts. He carried his doctrine of the infallibility of conscience to extreme transcendentalism, attributing to it the faculty to perceive, not only the distinction between right and wrong, but also the nature of psychical facts and physical phenomena. He went as far as, if not farther than, Berkeley and Fichte, in Idealism, denying the existence of things outside of human ken. If his system had all the logical errors charged to Solipsism, it had all the efficacy of strong conviction and its moral import in developing individuality of character and equanimity of temper cannot be gainsaid.
"Solipsism" を調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: the theory that only the self exists or can be known:
・Collins Dictionary: the extreme form of scepticism which denies the possibility of any knowledge other than of one's own existence: Idealistic pluralism rejects the idea of solipsism, which would be an idealistic monism.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: the belief that only your own experiences and existence can be known: But lesbianism, at the time, was usually viewed as a kind of narcissistic solipsism, and this weakened its subversive force.
I am inclined to think that the Japanese mind, as expressed in the simple tenets of the Shinto religion, was particularly open to the reception of Yang Ming’s precepts. He carried his doctrine of the infallibility of conscience to extreme transcendentalism, attributing to it the faculty to perceive, not only the distinction between right and wrong, but also the nature of psychical facts and physical phenomena. He went as far as, if not farther than, Berkeley and Fichte, in Idealism, denying the existence of things outside of human ken. If his system had all the logical errors charged to Solipsism, it had all the efficacy of strong conviction and its moral import in developing individuality of character and equanimity of temper cannot be gainsaid.
"Solipsism" を調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: the theory that only the self exists or can be known:
・Collins Dictionary: the extreme form of scepticism which denies the possibility of any knowledge other than of one's own existence: Idealistic pluralism rejects the idea of solipsism, which would be an idealistic monism.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: the belief that only your own experiences and existence can be known: But lesbianism, at the time, was usually viewed as a kind of narcissistic solipsism, and this weakened its subversive force.