English Collection



2014年03月13日 | 英語学習
Poirot murmured: "Excuse me, M. Redfern, there was not, at any time, the question of a divorce?"
Patrick Redfern shook his head decisively. "Oh, no, there was no question of anything like that. There was Christine, you see. And Arlena, I am sure, never thought of such a thing. She was perfectly satisfied married to Marshall. He's--well, rather a big bug in his way--" He smiled suddenly. "County--all that sort of thing, and quite well off. She never thought of me as a possible husband.
. Redfernの言う "County" とは何でしょうか? 郡のような行政単位の意味の "county" しか知らないので意味が分かりません。
"county" に上の状況にあう意味があるのでしょうか? 辞書を見るとありました。
・Collins Dictionary: (British, informal) having the characteristics and habits of the inhabitants of country houses and estates, esp an upper-class accent and an interest in horses, dogs, etc
・Oxford English Dictionary: British Relating to or characteristic of aristocratic people with an ancestral home in a particular county: ‘a county grande dame’
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