English Collection



2016年03月03日 | 英語の本を読む

Music Theory for Dummiesを読んでいます。これまでに出てきた知らない言葉は音楽用語だけでしたが、良く知っている、そして食べている "noodle" が動詞として次の様にでてきました。
Say you're jamming with a group of musicians. If you know what key the rest of the band is playing in, and you know all the notes that are within that key (scales are determined by keys -- you can read a lot more about keys and key signatures in Chapter 8). it's impossible to mess up so long as you stick to those notes. In fact, you can noodle all day in the proper key and sound like a regular Carlos Santana or Louis Armstrong.
"noodle" の意味を辞書で調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Improvise or play casually on a musical instrument: tapes of him noodling on his guitar: (as noun noodling) ambient synthesizer noodling
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to play a musical instrument in an informal way without playing a particular piece of music: He was just noodling around on the guitar.

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