

おばさんの料理教室 簡単ホイコーロー

2021年10月13日 | 日記





③同じ鍋で堅い野菜(人参・玉ねぎ・キャベツ・椎茸)から順に炒め、②を加え、オイスターソース 大匙1~2 ・豆板醤小匙1/4 ・醤油小匙1/2・味噌小匙1・みりん大匙1 ・酒大匙1を回しかけ、混ぜて味をなじませ、お好みで、塩胡椒で味を調えて、溶き片栗粉を加え出来上がり。



Easy Hoi Koro

Instead of turning the pot(repaying the pot), the ingredients once cooked are cooked back into the pot, and in Japan, chinese people from Sichuan replaced cabbage when Chinese people from Sichuan spread the pan meat to Japan. It uses more noodle sauce than the authentic one and is characterized by a sweet and spicy taste. In addition, in order to save time and effort, there is also a popular one that uses thinly sliced pork from the beginning and uses commercially available combined.

Sichuan spread the pan meat to Japan. It uses more noodle sauce than the authentic one and is characterized by a sweet and spicy taste. In addition, in order to save time and effort, there is also a popular one that uses thinly sliced pork from the beginning and uses commercially available combined seasonings.

①Season 300g of pork with 1/2 of sake and 1/2 of soy sauce, and sprinkle 1/3 of potato starch.  In the salad oil and sesame oil large spoon 1, sauté 1 slice of chopped ginger and 1 slice of garlic so that the white smoke rises, add ① seasoned when the aroma comes out, stir-fry and stir-fry.  

②In the same pan, fry in order from hard vegetables (carrots, onions, cabbage, shiitake mushrooms), add 2, add 2 and add oyster sauce 1 to 2 ・ soy sauce 1/4 ・ soy sauce 1/4 Turn 2, miso small, mirin daiki 1, sake daiki 1, mix and blend, season with salt and pepper, add melted potato starch.

③Seasonings such as soy sauce, soy sauce, sake brewing, noodle sauce, soy sauce, and old sake are also good. * Vegetables are good with seasonal vegetables.

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おばさんの料理教室 蟹缶を使ったポテトサラダ

2021年10月13日 | 日記











potato salad

I used a crab can as a present from a friend.

Peel 500g potatoes (mae quinn andesred baron, etc.) and heat in the microwave for 500w5 minutes, boil and cut into

②Boil and crush 2 eggs.

③Color the seasonal vegetables such as carrots, cucumber dice, tomatoes and brotz collie with red, yellow and green.

④①, ②, ③ Add anappropriate amount of mayonnaise to the corn and mix.

⑤Serve on a plate and serve with crab cans and tomatoes.

* Adding an appropriate amount of miso and pepper is also optional depending on your preference.

* Use seasonal vegetables such as peppers and publica.

* Balsamic vinegar, ham and sauceji for young people.

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